Indoors. In a hallway is a large notice board, picture frames, and other posters on the walls. Two rugs overlap at the bottom of orange doors, one of which is open. Classrooms are accessible via blue, open doors. Hooks, shelves, and benches are placed in a corner. Across the front door is a black stone sculpture placed on a pedestal and a fresco showing a harpoon hunting scene takes up the whole wall.
Adamie Phillie
Apparently, I'll be going back, uh, to college…
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
…In a couple of months.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
That's cool.
Adamie Phillie
You know, the first year it’s not easy.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
No, it's not.
Adamie Phillie
‘Cause we’re from a small town, moving to a big city.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
So the culture, it's quite a huge difference, like you mentioned.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Yeah, it’s huge… Yes, you know, from a small town to a big city, that's a big change.
Two young men come from the hallway on the right and stop in front of the two orange doors. They stand in front of each other and face the camera.
Adamie Phillie
Exactly, because here we know everybody and down south, like, our family’s not there.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
Our friends are not there, so we have no choice to go down south, ‘cause once we graduate up north.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
We don't have college up north, so we have no choice to move out of here then.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
So apparently, you'll be going.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Yeah, I'm gonna go for four weeks in Cornwall.
Adamie Phillie
Noah Matthew Jaaka
It's gonna be, uh, it’s gonna be for, uh, as an observer /communicator, I just hope it works out well. After that, if I pass, I’ll have to have another training here for four weeks, another four weeks, so…
Adamie Phillie
Noah Matthew Jaaka
I just hope it works out.
Adamie Phillie
It will work out right, great, ‘cause, uh… When you wanna learn, you learn quite a lot of new stuff, but if you don't ask questions, once you don't know what you’re looking at, don't be shy to ask questions.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
‘Cause my first year I was too shy to ask questions, so there was quite a few stuff that I didn't know before, so don't be shy to ask question…
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
…If you don’t know! And, like I mentioned, the education up north from down south is a huge difference.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
Because here we have a lack of education.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
No, it's not the same.
Adamie Phillie
It's not the same, it's twice as difficult as it is from up north, so…
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
That's why I'm not too sure if I'll raised my children here in the future…
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
…Probably, I’ll prefer that they‘ll learn down south, cause they’ll learn a lot, the knowledge is bigger, and once we move up north to down south, it's difficult for everybody.
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
Even for me, it was, was not easy!
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Adamie Phillie
So, yeah! Will there be a project tonight?
Noah Matthew Jaaka
There’s a show going on at 6 o'clock, We should go check it out. They’re gonna show a couple, couple of clips that they filmed throughout the year.
Adamie Phillie
So it's like, uh, projects?
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Yeah! There were at least maybe 5 different projects that they’re gonna show.
Adamie Phillie
Noah Matthew Jaaka
That they filmed during the year.
Adamie Phillie
Let's go, check it out!
Noah Matthew Jaaka
Let's go!
Adamie Phillie
All right, cool!
The two young men go back to walking in the hallway and disappear at the end.