Joining the Circle
Derek Barnaby
November 3, 2011
"I couldn't believe the emotions that were within"
Derek Barnaby, Mi'qmaq
At the age of 19, Derek Barnaby attended a gathering of elders in Peterborough, Ontario. Watching them dance in a circle to the sound of the drum, he experienced an intense emotion, like a call, the beginning of a rebirth. Back home, he asked his friend Dennis from Saskatchewan to help him make his regalia. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, and Dennis taught him much more than techniques. He passed on his story, his knowledge of life and his wisdom. The following year, Derek returned to Peterborough. The elders welcomed him. He danced in a circle and hasn’t stopped since.
Report of an interview with Richard Moar.
The drum represents the beating heart. It also represents life, and it represents the relationship between human beings and nature. It represents several things around here, y’know. And it represents your mother's womb.
When you're in your mother's womb, you hear her heart beating. And when you strike a drum, you hear your mother's heart. The Earth’s heart breathing.
And, as I was saying earlier, the relation, y’know, when you play the drum, you’re in touch with the animals. The most beautiful experience I had with the drum, one of my most beautiful experiences, because I’ve had many, was when I’d go alone into the woods and sing. And all around me, the birds would sing with me. That’s when I understood the relationship between human beings and nature.
It’s very, very important. You have to respect everyone around you, y’know. That’s why when Indigenous people see the Earth’s trees being cut down, they not only have a thought for themselves, they have one for their brothers and sisters.
And the drum also addresses the relationship with spirits.
It's very strong, y’know. . It's... I don't know how to say... But it's very, very beautiful.
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